Fireside Chat with Crones - The Mythology of the Crone
Elli is the Norse Goddess of old age, who overcame the mighty Thor in a wrestling match.
So excited for the September video on Fireside Chat with Crones. Jenn Poniatowski has joined me to chat about the mythology of the crone. We laughed as we delved further into the crone presence which sometimes morphed to meet acceptable cultural demands yet has never completely gone.
Throughout history the crone has been present. At one point she was said to 'eat children', remember Hansel & Gretel, always disfigured with all physical beauty gone she often sparked fear in young children and many women. The crone as mythology speaks of courage, adaptability, and natural physical changes.
"Crones are creator beings not just the death bringers. They are midwives who helped birth the new & were there during the crossing over. They were the midwives to the Other Worlds in both directions." Jenn explains this wonderful role as we discuss bridging the gaps between generations and women as a whole.
The crone was honored throughout the world mythology. It is only over time that the true stories and essence of the crone has been muted.
I hope you enjoy our chat! We certainly did! Would love to hear your thoughts.
And the journey continues ......
The Soul Traveler